Unless otherwise noted, the freebies available on this blog are for personal use only. Please contact me before any other use. Do not redisriubute without permission.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Support for storm victims

I was going to post part 2 of my John Denver wordarts this week, and then remebered that my Wicked Wednesday was actually going to be on Halloween, so then I decided to go with a "wicked" theme of wordarts. 

THEN...Sandy struck.  Fortunately, I was on the northern edge of the storm, so other than leaves and branches, there was not much damage in my area, especiallly when it compares to the mid-Atlantic states.  I wanted to show my support for the area.

Just a couple of weeks ago, my daughter and some friends were in NYC.   I have decided to post some of the wordarts I made for her trip and share them.  I hope that in some small way I can show the  residents, friends and relatives of those affected that  we have confidence that the area will soon come back to life and restore some of its beauty and pride. 

My thoughts and prayers are with them.


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Wicked Good Wednesday--John Denver

John Denver, Part 1:   I have some John Denver wordarts for you.  I listening to a song of his, and realized that his songs would make graeat wordarts.    In fact, his songs were so much fun, that I nade 2 parts to you'll get part 1. 


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

still being happy

Yes... I have another happiness quote for you.  Hope you like this one. 


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Be happy now.

Yeah... I' still finding happiness's another one for you to enjoy. 


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Wicked Wednesday "quickie" freebie

Happy Wednesday to all!  Today s just a quick little freebie for you.  I saw the "big whoop" on a whoopie pie at the store one day. It gave me a giggle for the day.  :)  Also, I love that Subway ad with the office workers in little kid voices, and the guy with the sandwich says "big whoop" with just the right attitude.  Cracks me up every time!