Unless otherwise noted, the freebies available on this blog are for personal use only. Please contact me before any other use. Do not redisriubute without permission.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Back from Vacation!

Hey, all! I've been on a much needed vacation the last couple of weeks. (This explains my absence) Now that I'm back, I need to make up for being MIA. Except now, I'm coming down with a cold, and I feel crappy. LOL

Anyway, I really wanted to get this pack of two wordarts out to you. I made them in memory of Patrick Swayze, who recently lost his battle with cancer. The lines come from his movie "Ghost", which I was just watching again! I love that movie. Hope you enjoy these, and take care.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Remember 9/11

Just a small pack today, 3 wordarts. I hae heard a few people refer to today as "Remembrance Day", so felt I should make some wordarts in remembrance.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day Bonus wordart

Another journaling prompt-- great for all those summer photos! Hope you enjoy this one. :)
Sorry it's so late in the day-- I was out enjoying this "last day" of summer!)

Just noticed-- I uploaded it before I put a name on the file!'re going to have an"untitled" png in your files!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

My Favorite Things

Just for you. Enjoy this one!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Another journaling prompt

Another journaling prompt for you. This one could be a fun one. Ever heard of the "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon"? It's a game where you try to connect one famous person with Kevin Bacon within six "degrees"- six people, places or projects. Supposedly, everyone in Hollywood can be connected to Kevin Bacon with six connections or less. I'm sure most of you could find fun ways to connect yourself to somebody famous within six "steps" or less. For instance, I could do a page about "Dr McDreamy", Patrick Dempsey himself--several times over! One way I might do this? Easy way would be two steps: I was born in the same hospital as he was! (Unfortunately not the same year or day! Darn!) Or, to go more roundabout, I could say my daughter was a cheerleader. She would compete in the same class as the high school that Patrick attended. (He didn't graduate from there is what I heard.) (Anyway, she wasn't the same years, either.) Or, I could say my sister-in-law is getting cancer treatments at the Patrick Dempsey Cancer Center, where she has met Patrick's sister. See how easy it is?

Friday, September 4, 2009

First Journaling Prompt Wordart!

Here is your first journaling prompt! I hope you can find some fun ways to use this wordart. Find someone, and write or photojournal just what it is that makes you like that person (or pet, as the case may be--LOL)