With football seaon in full gear, I wanted to get this wordart posted. A lot of high schools are either in playoff seaon or getting ready for playoffs, Thanksgiving day games, etc, before the next sport seaon begins. And of course, college and pro sports will still be paying for quite a while.
Are you someone who hits a cowbell to cheer your team on, or do you know someone who does? (Or maybe there is someone who irritates you at every game who does?) 'Fess up! This wordart is for you.
If you don't know the connection of "more cowbell" and "Saturday Night Live", listen to "More Cowbell (Don't Fear the Reaper)" by Blue Oyster Cult on my song list. I guarantee at least a smile out of you! Note: the music producer in the skit is Christopher Walken and the cowbell player is Will Ferrell.
Now for my request for help-- this quote was in a letter to the editor of the newspaper today. The writer said that Angus King (former Independent governor of Maine) had quoted this, but it doesn't say who originally came up with the quote. I think it would make a great wordart, but I would like to be able to give credit where credit is due. The quote is as follows:
"Rosa sat so Martin could walk.
Martin walked so Obama could run.
Obama ran so our children can fly"
Thanks in advance.